股份制 vs 合伙制 Shareholding vs Partnership



As shown in the following figure, if classified according to the type of enterprise, enterprises are mainly divided into two categories: company (limited liability) and partnership enterprise (unlimited liability). However, since the minimum registered capital for the establishment of a joint stock limited company is 5 million yuan, and the main object of our discussion today is small and micro enterprises, so from the perspective of investment methods, the shareholding system we discussed below mainly refers to limited liability companies, and the partnership system mainly refers to partnership enterprises.



In fact, the shareholding system and the partnership system are both an economic organization method of joint investment. The shareholding system emphasizes investment and shareholding, while the partnership system emphasizes joint operation. This statement sounds too abstract. How can we understand this group of concepts more vividly?


The shareholding system is like a friend, the relationship is intimate or estranged; and the partnership is like a couple, you have to live under one roof whether you like your spouse or not.

创业初始,选择股份制还是合伙制?In the initial stage of starting a business, choose shareholding or a partnership?

1. 假如办一家医疗器械生产厂

If you set up a medical device manufacturing factory


Suppose you and two friends, Tom and Jerry, plan to open a manufacturing plant for medical devices. You produced masks, protective clothing and other equipment in the early stage, and later joined the production of various medical devices. Then you need to consider that a production enterprise mainly relies on machines and production lines, so you often need to raise funds, expand reproduction, and then reduce costs through large-scale operations to achieve profitability.


In this case, investment in human capital and investment in investment funds can be separated among you, Tom and Jerry, and a shareholding system is ideal.



Because the funds of the three of you are limited, you need to constantly absorb external funds and introduce more external shareholders to invest in your business. The shareholding system is conducive to raising stable long-term funds on a large scale and is also conducive to controlling risks. The shareholders of the company are liable to the company within the limit of the amount of capital contributed by them.


However, many of these external shareholders only care about earnings, and do not necessarily have to participate in the management of your business, that is, the separation of management rights and dividend rights. The three of your founding shareholders need to use creativity and ability to do a good job in the enterprise and the external shareholders do not necessarily care about the operation of the enterprise itself, but the profit and income brought by this enterprise. It's as if you are buying stocks. You care about whether the stocks will rise, not the business details of the company.

2. 假如办一家律师事务所

If you run a law company


What if you, Tom and Jerry are not opening factories, but a law firm? What does the success or failure of the project depend on? It mainly depends on the professional and professional standards of several of you.


For example, Liu Run, the founder of Runmi Consulting, a well-known domestic business consultant, has only two assistants, but his operating income can be comparable to a consulting organization with hundreds of people. In a law firm or consulting company, human capital is at the absolute core, and the operation of the company and human capital are inseparable. At this time, the partnership is the ideal choice.



In all industries with particularly high professional requirements, most of them will adopt a partnership system. In addition to law firms and consulting companies, there are also accounting firms, tax accountant firms, and public relations companies. The early investment banking business also relied heavily on personal abilities and network resources, so Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers adopted the partnership system at that time, so that personal intangible assets could be kept inside the enterprise. However, partnerships assume unlimited joint and several liabilities. After the 1990s, the U.S. securities market was scaled up, financial derivatives continued to be invented, and risks were rapidly expanding. Investment banks may have increased the risk of bankruptcy due to a business failure, so partners are worried about the necessity to set a bottom line to take risks.


From the two examples of medical device factories and law firms, we can draw a conclusion that the shareholding system is a business model based on financial rights, and the partnership system is a management system that binds human capital and based on human rights mode. Therefore, the shareholding system is more suitable for industries where the human capital and fixed assets of the enterprise can be separated, while the partnership system is suitable for industries where human capital is the core.

股份制和合伙制各自的弊端 The disadvantages of shareholding and partnership


After the above explanation, at the beginning of a business, whether it should be a joint-stock system or a partnership system should be relatively clear. But no matter what form is adopted, the enterprise will have problems after it reaches a certain scale. Let us now look at the disadvantages of the two methods.


1. 股份制的弊端

Disadvantages of the shareholding


The shareholding system is a model based on financial rights and funds have the right to speak, so under this model, the founder team can easily lose control. For example, after several rounds of value-added and share expansion, although the scale of the enterprise has increased, the shares of the founder team may also be diluted very well. The founder is likely to be driven out of the company if he/she has conflicts with major shareholders.


In 1976, Jobs and Steve founded Apple in their garage. In 1985, Apple ’s competition with major companies such as Google and IBM was frustrated. In addition to Steve’s own arbitrary practice, Jobs was kicked out of Apple by the shareholders’meeting. Until 1997, Jobs regained control of Apple.


2. 合伙制的弊端

Disadvantages of partnership


In contrast, the partnership system does not have the problem of losing control, because the management rights of the partnership system will never be transferred. However, the most serious drawback of the partnership system is that the number of partners is limited. When an enterprise needs to raise a large amount of funds, the disadvantage of the partnership system is more obvious. In addition, under the partnership system, partners have unlimited liability to the enterprise. Once faced with huge debts, the partners have to compensate even their own property.

股份制和合伙制相结合的新模式 A new model of combining shareholding and partnership


The advantage of the shareholding system is that it is easy to raise a large amount of capital, and the shares can also be traded and transferred. The advantage of the partnership system is that management rights will never be transferred, and the founder can always control the enterprise.


The disadvantage of the shareholding system is that the founder may lose control with the dilution of equity. The disadvantage of the partnership system is not conducive to fund-raising but also bears unlimited joint liabilities.


We can find that the shareholding system is easy to raise funds, but it is easy to lose control, and the partnership fund is relatively weak, and the risks are relatively large, but it has a strong grasp of control. The advantages and disadvantages of the shareholding system and the partnership system are complementary. Can the two systems combine to create a new model by promoting strengths and avoiding shortcomings?


As a founder, the most ideal situation is to meet the following two points at the same time.

1. 能借助外部资金,迅速把企业做大;

With the help of external funds, it quickly enlarge the company.

2. 能一直保留对企业的控制权。

Always retain control of the enterprise.



For example, you, Tom, and Jerry are going to start a business together. This time, you are doing an Internet gaming company. Then the three of you can register a partnership, and then use the name of this partnership to register a limited shareholding system. Responsible company. Partners can control the partnership, and the underlying joint-stock company can also finance, so that it not only retains control, but also can leverage the strength of external funds.


Alibaba Group has adopted a similar model. After a few rounds of financing, SoftBank Group and Yahoo have already held more shares than Jack Ma ’s team, which means that founder Jack Ma has become a minority shareholder. Under the principle of bigger shares means more rights, the company's control power is in danger of falling aside. Therefore, since 2009, the team of Jack Ma has adopted a partnership system. 18 founders, including Jack Ma, had turned from founders into partners of Alibaba Group. Among them, Jack Ma and Cai Chongxin are permanent partners. SoftBank and Yahoo signed the Consistent Actors Agreement and agreed that the directors nominated by Ali Partners must be accepted by Softbank and Yahoo. The number of shares held by these parties is far more than half in the shareholders' meeting, so it is very normal for the candidates recommended by Ali partners to become directors. Once they control the board of directors, they firmly control Ali's control.



At the initial stage, entrepreneurs will consider which form of investment to choose, a shareholding system, or a partnership system.


We talked about the pros and cons of two forms today. For industries where human capital and fixed assets can be separated and a large amount of stable capital investment is required, we recommend the shareholding system. For industries where human capital is at the core and requires a firm grasp of control, we recommend a partnership.


For those who want to retain control and use external funds, they can choose the partnership + shareholding approach. That is, like the Ali partner system, building a structure, in which even if the founding team is only a small shareholder, it can still retain control of the enterprise. As for how to build an enterprise structure, please consult the professional team of GBAA.